Main » 2013 » July » 06
Drugs cause harm to the users body. The body's reaction to this harm is that 'high' feeling the user gets. But drugs aren't all that bad. Some drugs just calm the user and are actually safer then you may think. In fact alcohol can be worse then some drugs. So why is it that alcohol is legal and a drug that does less harm then alcohol is illegal? Yes some states are starting to make some drugs legal to use. But those drugs shouldn't have been illegal in the first place. They should use similar rules that apply to using cigarets, and cigarets just plainly destroy your body. So in reality cigarets should be illegal. But that won't happen. And if more states legalize drugs that were formerly illegal then the economy would benefit, crime would decrease, and things would be much better. More people would buy these drugs which puts more money into the economy thus helping stabilize the economy. Also, gangs wouldn't have to run from the law when trying to sell drugs. More often then not drug b ... Read more »
Views: 1007 | Added by: 1Lone1Wolf1 | Date: 2013/Jul/06 | Comments (3)